If you are affected by acne, you may have already tried creams, local treatments and changed your cosmetic routine several times to overcome your acne, but in vain? If so, the next few lines should enlighten you. As we explained in our article, "Acne: what are the causes?" », the causes of acne are multifactorial. Treating one and only one factor, without considering other possible causes, will prove ineffective.
Acne isn't always just a matter of genetics or hormones. Our diet also has something to do with it. Yes, an unsuitable diet can promote acne in adults and adolescents. If you have acne-prone and oily skin, there are certain foods to avoid.
How does diet influence acne?
Food has a direct impact on our acne or our skin in general. Indeed, certain foods will influence our body (blood sugar level, bacteria in the intestines, collagen production) and influence the condition of our skin. For example, the composition of certain foods promotes the production of sebum , inflammation and therefore the appearance of acne pimples .
What foods and condiments should I avoid?
A specific diet alone cannot fight acne . We are not talking here about a “miracle diet” against acne. On the other hand, certain foods should be avoided in order not to accentuate acne breakouts .
- Added sugars and processed products: Industrial sugars should be banned as much as possible from your diet if you suffer from acne . These increase the secretion of androgens (one of the hormones responsible for the production of sebum) as well as the glycemic index. Having too much sugar in the blood can also promote inflammation (remember that acne is an inflammatory skin disease) and increase our production of sebum (factor conducive to the formation of pimples). But where are these added sugars hiding? In a lot of processed foods, including savory convenience foods. We therefore avoid cookies, candies, sodas, ready meals and, a tip: look carefully at the label of fruit juices which all too often contain added sugars.
- White flour and pasta: Foods made from white flour are low in nutrients and have a high glycemic index. Consuming it often won't help your acne , so it's better to avoid it.
- Dairy products: Some dairy products , especially those made with cow's milk, stimulate our sebaceous glands. Their richness in omega 6 fatty acids also aggravates skin inflammation . Therefore, we advise you to limit your consumption of milk, yoghurt and cheese of bovine origin.
Quick tip: You can replace refined/added sugars with honey, agave syrup or stevia.
What is the preferred diet to limit acne?
If certain foods are to be avoided, fortunately, others are to be consumed without moderation and can even limit the appearance of acne pimples* . This is the case of:
- Fruits and vegetables: We don't teach you anything, fruits and vegetables are our allies! Whether it's to be healthy or to have beautiful skin, they contain a host of good nutrients and can reduce the inflammatory state of the skin. Do not skimp on bananas, grapes, avocado, lettuce, broccoli, spinach, artichoke, apples and red fruits and favor seasonal foods!
- Oily fish: Rich in omega 3, salmon, mackerel, tuna and herring help fight against If you don't like it, don't panic, opt for capsules with fish oil or cod liver.
- Wholemeal flours and pastas: White flours are refined, so they contain fewer nutrients and are less digestible. Their glycemic index is much higher than wholemeal flours! If you are prone to acne, choose foods made with wholemeal flour .
- Vegetable milks: While it is preferable to reduce your consumption of dairy products of bovine origin to limit acne breakouts, it is not forbidden to find a healthier substitute, which would reduce inflammation. We invite you to try vegetable milks and yoghurts made from soy (GMO-free) or almond (no added sugar) for example.
Tip: Are you familiar with intermittent fasting ? It is a practice that consists of fasting (not ingesting any food) for 12 to 16 hours maximum. It is of course authorized (and even obligatory) to drink water or herbal teas. During the fast, the body draws on its reserve of sugar contained in the blood as well as in the liver. Result: we observe in particular a decrease in inflammatory reactions , which would indirectly help to limit acne. It is important to understand that acne appears when the emunctory organs (intestinal, liver, kidneys) are saturated. The practice of fasting precisely allows the rest of these same organs. Be careful, practice intermittent fasting always with the advice of a nutritionist.
The Cosmetist anti-acne capsules
The Cosmetist dietary supplements will be of great help to you in the fight against acne (in addition to a healthy diet ). We have developed a healthy and minimalist formulation containing the best of nature, all with the aim of bringing you effective capsules against acne. Our capsules contain a powerful natural cocktail against acne pimples and oily skin:
- The detoxifying artichoke (each capsule contains the equivalent of 1/2 artichoke, enough to detoxify the body from head to toe)!
- Turmeric and its anti-inflammatory properties
- Probiotics that regulate the intestinal flora
- The regulatory action of burdock
The complements of our phases 1 and 2 are each cures of one month.

As you will have understood, diet is not the only cause of acne . However, certain foods such as dairy products of bovine origin, consumed in large quantities, can promote the appearance of pimples . On the contrary, other foods such as artichokes, oily fish or even red fruits reduce inflammation and reduce the production of sebum, which is partly responsible for acne.
It's not all about restricting yourself and starting a strict diet. You just have to be aware of the traps that certain foods set for us! Questions about acne? Follow us on Instagram!
* Attention, eating your food is not considered as a treatment against acne, but simply as an aid in parallel with a local and/or medicinal treatment.
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